Bitumen Modification with Lucolast® 7010:
Longer durability, fewer cracks, better roads
The properties of bitumen, which is used as a standard binder in road asphalt, are highly dependent on temperature. Therefore, the resistance of asphaltene at higher temperatures is not without problems. One characteristic value is the plasticity range of the binder, which is defined as the difference between the softening point RuK (ring and ball) and the breaking point according to Fraaß. These values allow a statement to be made about the temperature behavior and suitability for use of the intended asphalt.
Modifying bitumen with plastics, e.g. Lucolast® 7010, is a proven approach to improving the properties. In particular, it aims to increase the plasticity range, i.e. to increase the strength at higher temperatures, and, if possible, to also improve the plasticity at low temperatures. Important properties such as adhesion or viscosity must not be impaired at the respective processing temperature.
The modified binders must of course also withstand the usual processing temperatures of asphalt processing (up to 180°C for rolled asphalt and 240°C for mastic asphalt) as well as the long-term exposure of the asphalt to UV radiation.