New plastics for long-lasting and resilient flat roofs
In the past, LUCOBIT AG has intensively and successfully developed new polymers for use as flat roof products. The experience accumulated over decades has flowed together with the latest findings about the requirements for modern roof sealing. The product families Lucobit®/ECB (ethylene copolymer bitumen), Lucolit®/EBT (ethylene butyl acrylate thermoplastic) and Lucofin®/TPO/FPO (thermoplastic/flexible polyolefins) therefore represent modern flat roof plastics that meet today's requirement profile contemporary roof sealing needs to be met. Various companies use the raw materials supplied by LUCOBIT AG to manufacture the waterproofing membranes they sell independently, including extensive moulded parts for easy installation, such as corners, connections, drains and ventilators.
All of our products have remarkable flexibility combined with excellent strength over a wide temperature range, so that the membranes can withstand both winter cold and summer heat without any problems. The extensive stabilization of the products is designed for a long period of time. This affects UV radiation and temperature stress; thermal and UV degradation is largely prevented.
Last but not least, our polymers for flat roof membranes can enhance the appearance of your building. They offer an attractive surface, are available in a variety of colors and help ensure that your roof is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. The sheets are thermoplastically welded and secured in position using load or mechanical fastening. The products are ecologically neutral and not harmful to the environment. There are extensive life cycle assessments, objective assessments and EPDs.
Contact us for further information and application advice.